we’re skyebrooks lagottos and we love our truffle pups!

Our mission is to provide families with the unique love and playfulness that the Lagotto Romagnolo brings. We fell in love with them and know that you will too!

Raising the “once in a lifetime” puppy goes beyond health testing and selective parent breeding. It is our goal to raise puppies that believe in their own abilities. By meeting our dogs’ innate needs, providing them with the time, love, and care they deserve during those crucial first 8 weeks of life, and evaluating each puppy prior to placement, we aim to match our puppies to a family where their unique personality and temperament will shine while also helping families find the puppy that best fits their lifestyle.

We will only breed to supply a demand; our purpose is not to flood the market with more dogs but to provide more families with this amazing breed that we have fallen in love with, and for them to experience the power of a dog to heal hearts and change lives.

the og water dog

Lagottos are the oldest breed of Water Dog in the world!

A fresco dating back to 1456 located in a Northern Italian palace depicts a Lagotto laying at the feet of Marquis Ludovic Ill Gonzaga. For centuries, the Lagotto was used to help hunt waterfowl but, towards the end of the 19th century, when large-scale draining of its native marshlands began, the age-old function of the Lagotto started to change. The vast flocks of waterfowl disappeared and the Romagnolo increasingly used their dogs for locating the much prized and very valuable underground tuber known as the truffle.

avid truffle hunters

Once used as a guard dog protecting dwellings and real property, the Lagotto boomed in popularity once their easy-to-train demeanor and exceptionally sensitive noses were put to use searching for truffles.

Fast-forward to today and the Lagotto Romagnolo is the only purebred dog breed in the world to be officially recognized as specialized truffle hunters.





Hi, I’m Gia!

I’ve grown up with dogs my whole life (mainly Labrador Retrievers). When it came time for me to finally have a dog of my very own, I thought it would be a good time for a change. As a mother and homemaker, I realized that combining a constantly shedding dog with my highly allergic husband and kids was going to be “less than ideal”. While scrolling Instagram, I stumbled upon the Lagotto Romagnolo, a breed that I had never heard of before. I wasn’t even sure how to properly pronounce the name!

(Lah-Go-Tow Row-Man-Yo-Low in case you were curious)

At first I was intrigued, but after almost 4 years researching the breed (!!!), I knew deep in my heart that I had found a winner. This was it. This Italian Truffle Hunter was surely the perfect breed for us. Sure enough, I was right!

Unsurprisingly, the first time I ever saw a Lagotto, in person, was the day we picked up our first puppy (Kenzie), and from that moment on I was in love! Lagottos have amazingly loving and playful personalities, beautiful curls that barely shed, and their compact (dare I say PERFECT) size makes living and traveling with them a breeze!

I realize how truly blessed my family became after finding such great dogs and we want to help make this breed available to be a blessing for more families like ours.

Word of advice: Get comfortable with the phrase, “It’s not a Doodle”


This is Kenzie, our very first Lagotto, and the reason SkyeBrooks Lagottos was created!